Our anniversary night out was perfect!
My parents stayed at the hotel with the kids (the 3 older ones).
Edie tagged along with us so I could nurse her when needed...
she mostly slept peacefully as usual, though.

After walking, shopping and stopping by
old haunts,
we came across a little French restaurant...

wine list was lovely!!!

Great champagne...
Perfect company...
even after 15 years we always have so much to talk about and
laugh about---

Seems like yesterday I interviewed for that teaching job in Chicago...
was only committing for a year because then I was off to Seattle with a friend.
I didn't intend to marry or even think about it until I was at least 30.
Why do we make those plans?
Instead I was married at age 24...only a year after we met!
Instead of moving to Seattle, I ended up a newlywed, teaching inner city Chicago and
then suddenly my new husband's job took us to Boston.
A great adventure...we were so young and naive!

After our anniversary celebration and outings to the aquarium and zoo,
I was
lucky enough to tour the studio that begins with H
and see where SHE, the one who's name begins with O
creates her talk show.

All of this with
friends from my old Kappa Alpha Theta house
at U of Iowa...
So cool how we all got together for a little "reunion"
and after nearly 18 years, it was so easy to hang out again!

Now we're back home...I've got some new pieces in the works and some birthday parties to pull off...
How was your week?
Oh, and did I tell you I'm soon moving my blog to typepad?
Still working on it...