Sunday, June 21, 2009

sweet gift & big win!

I've been intending to post this since Edie's birth...
This was the gift my husband gave me after she was born!
He's given me some type of jewelry each time I've had a baby...really simple
since I'm not a flashy jewelry wearer....and this time I emailed him hints---
some of my favorites from etsy.
He got me this sweet, sweet charm bracelet called Amethyst (my birthstone)
from bebeandyaya.
She also has an amazing blog, sweet sweet life.

Last week I received an amazing painting in the mail...
I won this in Julie's giveaway!
Her work is beautiful and thoughtful....
and you need to check out her blog and her shop---she's always got the most
amazing paintings in the works!
Thanks again, Julie!!!

On Sunday we celebrated Edith's baptism...

She tears, just her sweet & pure eyes taking it all in!

After church we headed to brunch/lunch with friends and family...
Edie was passed around and cuddled by many.
All the kids ate, talked way too loudly and got downright silly---no one seemed to mind!
A wonderful day...
and special times with my dad, my husband & other dads with us today---
very fitting for all of us to celebrate
Father's Day as well.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

short and sweet

Life has been quite busy lately.
We are on the go-go-go...why did I think summer would be slower?

I am so excited to share a special giveaway I won, as well as some great pieces from Etsy.
I just need the time, so stay tuned. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here is Lucy, drawing her dinner...(notice the broccoli on her plate!)
Wouldn't it be lovely if I could just draw out the dinner in crayons and it would appear on our plates?xxooo

Sunday, June 7, 2009


School is finally done! It finished last week (yes, it took me a week to get a post on my blog!) with a talent show.
And a few lazy days followed.

(Henry performing "The Lion Sleeps")

(Lucy performing Irish Dance)

We spent a lovely afternoon at some local gardens which are featuring an amazing dinosaur exhibit....Don't they look real?

I was feeling pretty good about myself after taking all four kids to the
gardens by myself. There's not much I can't do these days as long as baby Edie is
strapped to my chest in her little Baby Bjorn.
So I treated myself...and we celebrated the end of school with
Meg's amazing rainbow cake & frosting!

(It's not perfect, it's leaning and falling all over the place, but so
tasty! Haven't heard so many "oohs & ahhhs" (as I cut into the cake)
since the July 4th fireworks!

I will be posting again soon...really!!