Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Sometimes her love of art comes out..."

and she tries to fancy them up a bit, which ends up making it look messy."
This was a comment on little Lucy's report card about her handwriting. I am really so proud that Lucy has an irresistible need (and compulsion!) to put her original mark on her work...She really can't help herself and draws or creates every chance she gets. I think that's much more important than proper alphabet printing!!:)

Her teacher went on to say..."She has an inner peace that has a calming effect on others..." That is so true about Lucy---I only wish it was a trait passed on from me!

Keep it up, sweet girl!
xx00, Mommy

More "heart girls" in the making...

and a little shop "update" coming Tuesday!


Kelli said...

Inner peace...what a wonderful thing to possess!

noodle and lou said...

awww...what a sweet, sweet girl:)
You guys have a fabulous week!!!

Leticia said...

What a cutie! Love your little Valentine Homes.