Wednesday, June 17, 2009

short and sweet

Life has been quite busy lately.
We are on the go-go-go...why did I think summer would be slower?

I am so excited to share a special giveaway I won, as well as some great pieces from Etsy.
I just need the time, so stay tuned. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here is Lucy, drawing her dinner...(notice the broccoli on her plate!)
Wouldn't it be lovely if I could just draw out the dinner in crayons and it would appear on our plates?xxooo


Kolleen said...

love it!! looks like she has your creative spirit in her! enjoy your's over before we know it! :)

Laura said...

THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER! I am no longer cooking..we will just draw our meals. I will draw the laundry done and the house cleaned up, too. Hey, I may even draw a couple of cakes.