Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We are to Chicago tonight!
I bragged to everyone that we got such a deal on Priceline---staying at the Hilton on
Michigan Avenue. I thought it would be amazing...Here we are, all SIX of us, in a
tiny, old room, some are on the floor, and the AC just kicked in.
Luckily, we get to move to a junior suite tomorrow.
But it's nearly 2am and I'm just so excited to be AWAY...
being tourists (we met here in Chi-town, but the kids will be big time tourists),
seeing old friends (my college sorority friends are having a reunion),
visiting family (my nephew turns 3),
it's our 15 year anniversary!!!!
We met here, fell in love, and were married just a year after meeting.
Bring on the champagne...
we are living it up for the next week!


Micki Wilde said...

So sweet, and guess what?
22nd July is my wedding anniversary too ;)

Micki x

Sarah said...

What a beautiful family...
have fun in Chicago..I love it!

Kolleen said...

Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your time...I heart the Windy City! I lived about an hour away from there until I was 24 and decided to head out west! Cubs fan?? I will be there come Saturday - all of my family is still there! ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!

julie king said...

congrats and good for you, jody!! i'm envious as i adore walking and shopping michigan avenue! i hope the cool weather continues for you.

amy said...

Congrats, Jod! Love that picture, and that post :) Hope you are having a great time and happy anniversary!!!! xo

Laura said...

happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont get pregnant...