Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

some valentine images from home...
a vintage "teacher" a (former) teacher, i do miss all the chocolates i used to receive from my students!

this plate was full of sweets last will be refilled for tonight's family valentine dessert!

our favorite little valentine...can you see her? this was a 3-D picture taken way back at 18 weeks...but already she had her dad's chin and sister's mouth! we love you little peanut month we can hold you!!!!
sweet valentine wishes!


Micki Wilde said...

Hi Jody, love what you did with your scan picture!

Thanks for the comment on my blog, it was actually very simple to do.
If you follow the link in the top left of the screen on my page it will take you to the site you need, then click on 'free backgrounds' and follow the instructions!
There are lots to chose from :)
Micki x

Lydia said...

Wow- such clarity- sweet pea:)