Sunday, August 9, 2009

Please join me!!!

over at my new blog!

please be patient...i'm still learning and working!

feel free to leave comments/follow me...
(i'm not convinced this is really going to work!:))

thanks, friends!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

little boy

Happy Birthday little Charlie!
(August 1st)
Four years has gone by too quickly!
You keep us laughing and also remind us of how tender you are.
You live with gusto but also thoughtfulness...
May you continue to SOAR!
the whole family

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Our anniversary night out was perfect!
My parents stayed at the hotel with the kids (the 3 older ones).
Edie tagged along with us so I could nurse her when needed...
she mostly slept peacefully as usual, though.

After walking, shopping and stopping by old haunts,
we came across a little French restaurant...

The wine list was lovely!!!

Great champagne...

Perfect company...
even after 15 years we always have so much to talk about and
laugh about---

Seems like yesterday I interviewed for that teaching job in Chicago...
was only committing for a year because then I was off to Seattle with a friend.
I didn't intend to marry or even think about it until I was at least 30.

Why do we make those plans?
Instead I was married at age 24...only a year after we met!
Instead of moving to Seattle, I ended up a newlywed, teaching inner city Chicago and
then suddenly my new husband's job took us to Boston.

A great adventure...we were so young and naive!

After our anniversary celebration and outings to the aquarium and zoo,
I was lucky enough to tour the studio that begins with H
and see where SHE, the one who's name begins with O
creates her talk show.

All of this with friends from my old Kappa Alpha Theta house
at U of Iowa...
So cool how we all got together for a little "reunion"
and after nearly 18 years, it was so easy to hang out again!

Now we're back home...I've got some new pieces in the works and some birthday parties to pull off...

How was your week?
Oh, and did I tell you I'm soon moving my blog to typepad?
Still working on it...


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We are to Chicago tonight!
I bragged to everyone that we got such a deal on Priceline---staying at the Hilton on
Michigan Avenue. I thought it would be amazing...Here we are, all SIX of us, in a
tiny, old room, some are on the floor, and the AC just kicked in.
Luckily, we get to move to a junior suite tomorrow.
But it's nearly 2am and I'm just so excited to be AWAY...
being tourists (we met here in Chi-town, but the kids will be big time tourists),
seeing old friends (my college sorority friends are having a reunion),
visiting family (my nephew turns 3),
it's our 15 year anniversary!!!!
We met here, fell in love, and were married just a year after meeting.
Bring on the champagne...
we are living it up for the next week!

Monday, July 20, 2009


my sister,
(she's the beautiful woman with my children in the photo below)

She launched her etsy shop and blog just recently! Check them out!!!

Amy is a multi-talented, vintage-loving gal with an easy laugh, piercing green eyes
and a heart of gold. You will love her style!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i love

gardens ,

my baby discovering the sights and sounds and scents and textures
of her first summer...

that my son dressed up to see the new Harry Potter movie...

running a race with my son,

little Charlie in his race cape,

Lucy's art...

painting outside...

loving summertime!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


simple things

sweet baby,
sisters, daughter,



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

my sister gets married!

We just returned from a week-long adventure
in the Colorado mountains!

My little sister married her sweetheart & soulmate
in Breckenridge last weekend!

She was the most beautiful bride...
the wedding was fabulous!
We are still talking about of those really special, life-inspiring
times with family and friends.

You can check out some really AMAZING pictures here!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

sweet gift & big win!

I've been intending to post this since Edie's birth...
This was the gift my husband gave me after she was born!
He's given me some type of jewelry each time I've had a baby...really simple
since I'm not a flashy jewelry wearer....and this time I emailed him hints---
some of my favorites from etsy.
He got me this sweet, sweet charm bracelet called Amethyst (my birthstone)
from bebeandyaya.
She also has an amazing blog, sweet sweet life.

Last week I received an amazing painting in the mail...
I won this in Julie's giveaway!
Her work is beautiful and thoughtful....
and you need to check out her blog and her shop---she's always got the most
amazing paintings in the works!
Thanks again, Julie!!!

On Sunday we celebrated Edith's baptism...

She tears, just her sweet & pure eyes taking it all in!

After church we headed to brunch/lunch with friends and family...
Edie was passed around and cuddled by many.
All the kids ate, talked way too loudly and got downright silly---no one seemed to mind!
A wonderful day...
and special times with my dad, my husband & other dads with us today---
very fitting for all of us to celebrate
Father's Day as well.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

short and sweet

Life has been quite busy lately.
We are on the go-go-go...why did I think summer would be slower?

I am so excited to share a special giveaway I won, as well as some great pieces from Etsy.
I just need the time, so stay tuned. More to come soon!

In the meantime, here is Lucy, drawing her dinner...(notice the broccoli on her plate!)
Wouldn't it be lovely if I could just draw out the dinner in crayons and it would appear on our plates?xxooo

Sunday, June 7, 2009


School is finally done! It finished last week (yes, it took me a week to get a post on my blog!) with a talent show.
And a few lazy days followed.

(Henry performing "The Lion Sleeps")

(Lucy performing Irish Dance)

We spent a lovely afternoon at some local gardens which are featuring an amazing dinosaur exhibit....Don't they look real?

I was feeling pretty good about myself after taking all four kids to the
gardens by myself. There's not much I can't do these days as long as baby Edie is
strapped to my chest in her little Baby Bjorn.
So I treated myself...and we celebrated the end of school with
Meg's amazing rainbow cake & frosting!

(It's not perfect, it's leaning and falling all over the place, but so
tasty! Haven't heard so many "oohs & ahhhs" (as I cut into the cake)
since the July 4th fireworks!

I will be posting again soon...really!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

time flies

Long time no post...(sorry!)
the days fly by---
I can't wait for summer break...or at least the first week of it.
Sleeping in, letting the kids be lazy and maybe I'll get
something creative done. ???
More blogging I hope!

This week our little Charlie had his last day of 3 year old preschool.
Yes, that's my boy covering his ears and sitting down while all
the other children stood and sang and smiled.

He was trying so hard to irritate me....
I had to laugh.
His older brother pulled these things in preschool
and he's just fine now.
(I admit, it did bug me...especially the looks from a few other parents.)

Last weekend should have been relaxing...
A three day weekend to garden and
catch up on projects...
What was I thinking letting Henry (age 9)
have 4 boys over for a sleep over??

Thankfully Lucy helped with breakfast...

There was a special request for Monkey Bread!

And now little Edie is 2 months old!
I just blinked and she's 2 months old!

I can't wait to share some special treats
from some amazing Etsians!
I will post about them soon!
And thank you so much for stopping by, for your comments
and encouragement!


Monday, May 18, 2009

chaos & peace

Hi! This is picture shows the tail end of a big smile I just gave my big brother!
from little Edith.

(Piano Recital last weekend)

(Gazing up into oldest brother's eyes)

(Big brother Charlie snuggles in his baby blanket and wishes he could be a baby again)

May is the busiest month
for this family...
Soccer games
Track meets
Dance recital practices
Field trips
Graduation open houses (for high school friends/babysitters)
Wedding showers (for my sister & her fiance)
Boy Scouts
Sleep overs
Piano recitals
and so much more!

Sat Nam!
Last Friday night I attended a Yoga Group Lesson
at a friend's house...
We had a group yoga (kundalini) was amazing. Challenging and invigorating
and so peaceful.
Good friends
drinking Yogi tea
and then
good red wine
and great snacks!

Here is a look at the "goodie bags"
the host gave everyone.
(homemade foot rub, home aroma, yoga CD, horoscope card, reusable gift bag)

I have been so busy
but also peaceful.
Having baby #4 at almost 40 years old
has brought about more calm than I realized
despite the chaos.
I have become wiser over the years
and am learning to slow down and enjoy
this time.
Being late is OK.
Letting things go is OK.
Taking longer to reach my goals is OK.

I long to have more time to paint and create,
but I know that will come soon.
I find joy in our children
and the joy I experience running again.
The rhythmic striking the ground as I go to that meditative place
feeling grateful for health, for nature, for the sunshine
and for time.

Wishing you peace amidst the chaos!